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Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar & Ukulele Concert

Kauai’s gorgeous scenery provides the backdrop for a beloved weekly event on the island: the Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar & Ukulele Concert . It’s a festive, casual gathering that celebrates a special type of Hawaiian folk music. Those who reside on or are visiting  Kauai  have the privilege of being able to attend this  that features local slack key guitar and ukulele masters .

The concert series, which was started by slack key guitarists and composers Doug and Sandy McMaster, pays homage to Hawaiian slack key music. This genre originated in the late 1700s when it was developed by Hawaiian paniolos. Though recognized for its distinctive sound, slack key music is more than melodies and instrumentals — it passes on the history and culture of Hawaii through stories. Now, countless people around the world enjoy this relaxing, traditional folk music.

The Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar & Ukulele Concert is one of the most popular events in the area. This family-friendly concert was voted “#1 Best Live Show” by Hawaii Magazine in 2014. In addition, to live music, the concert features local artisan vendors and educational displays about Hawaiian culture. Unfortunately, since Covid-19 the event has been postponed, hopefully, in 2022, they will be back.

The McMasters have taken special care to showcase the old style of playing slack key guitar and ukulele at the performances. The concert is a weekly series that occurs on Fridays from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm and Sundays from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the Hanalei Community Center, right on Kauai’s North Shore. Admission to the concert is free for children aged 6 and under, $15 for children aged 7 to 17, $15 for those who are 50 or older, and $20 for everyone else. Proceeds from the concert go to charitable organizations in the area. What can be better than getting together with family and loved ones to enjoy wonderful music while also giving to a great cause?

Attending the Slack Key Guitar & Ukulele Concert is the perfect way to start winding down the holiday season and get ready for the new year. Head to the North Shore this weekend, kick back and relax, meet some new friends, and take in the beauty of this Hawaiian tradition.

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