Here are 5 ways you can pack for your visit to the Villas At Poipu Kai
While getting to your family vacation destination is half the battle, the second half may be packing. What to bring? What to leave? How to pair down? With airline regulations as they are today, the question of what to pack is important…at least to you human-folk, us seals need only the sunshine, ocean current, and sandy beaches to make us happy. So, take a tip from us, pack light! Here are a few ways you can do it.
Light Packing Tip #1 – Choose inflatable swim gear
If you are toting little ones across the pond, you’ll want to have floatation devices around. I suggest choosing ones that are inflatable rather than filled with some kind of buoyant material. Inflatable swim gear is light and takes up almost no room in your suit case. Once you arrive, inflate the floaties or life vests, then deflate them before packing up to leave. Simple as that.
Light Packing Tip #2 – Rent gear that is too bulky to pack
In an effort to save money, many families pack their own surfing, snorkeling, and boogie boarding gear only to find out that what they pay to bring it aboard the plane offsets anything they may have saved. More than the financial cost is the mental toll this kind of packing incurs on the parents. Vacations should be relaxing, so do away with this unnecessary stress and just rent when you arrive. There are plenty of reasonably priced rental shops all over the island, so check them out.
Light Packing Tip #3 – Ask about towels beforehand
If you are staying at the Villas at Poipu Kai, you will have access to pool and beach towels, so leave yours at home. If you are staying somewhere else, call the concierge and ask about towel availability or go pick up one from a local store once you arrive. Towels are bulky and heavy and take up precious packing space. Plus, they usually bring sand with them, so unless you want a messy souvenir to bring home, plan to use towels from the island and leave them there.
Light Packing Tip #4 – Mix and match clothing
When packing, try to choose outfits you can mix and match. Having a different outfit for every day is unnecessary, especially when you’ll be in your swimsuit for most of the time! Remember, you’re going to a warm, tropical island – light fabrics are best. Challenge your kids to do this and teach them a life-long skill in packing light.
Light Packing Tip #5 – Choose a digital guidebook
Guidebooks can potentially take up a lot of space and weight in your luggage. In this day and age, that seems completely unnecessary. Look into digital guidebooks – ones you can download to your phone, tablet, or computer. iTunes offers Kauai Revealed for $7.99, much less than what you’d pay for a printed guidebook. Here are a few other ways to get your hands on this quintessential guidebook.
So…what are you waiting for? Get packing for your next trip to Kauai!