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Kalapaki beach

Beach Review: Kalapaki Beach – the perfect balance of sport and leisure

One of the biggest issues that my lady seal and I face when planning swimming excursions for the little pups is how to keep all of them entertained. As they grow, they are interested in different activities and different levels of adventure. Where do you find a place that caters to such diverse needs and

Beach Review: Kalapaki Beach – the perfect balance of sport and leisure Read More »

sea lion jumping in the air

Beach Review: Anini Beach – a Snorkeler’s Paradise

As a monk seal, Kauai’s waters are my home and paradise. Everything in the deep, blue sea is at my disposal and I have quick access to all beaches the Garden Island has to offer. Well, most all beaches. Surrounded by the longest stretch of barrier reef, Anini beach is one of the few beaches

Beach Review: Anini Beach – a Snorkeler’s Paradise Read More »

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